Laboratory /Concrete Laboratory

   The department have main focus areas are in testing,acceptance and approval of products such as admixtures,curing compounds,pre-packaged concrete products,freeze-thaw durable aggregates and other miscellaneous products related to concrete.
   It also includes methods of improving concrete quality throughout the state.Some of the services our laboratory provides includes Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens,Flexural Strength of Concrete,Length Change of Hardened
   Hydraulic-Cement Mortar and Concrete,Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson Ratio of Concrete in Compression,Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, Specification for Anti-washout Admixtures for Concrete.Our concrete
   laboratory has also provided mix designs for the pavement industry and commercial industry.There are many tests which are conducted to check the quality of concrete as lab test on fresh concrete which consists of slump test,Compaction factor test,
   Vee-Bee test.On hardened concrete,destructive and non-destructive testing are conducted.Non-destructive tesing involves Rebound Hammer test,Ultrasonic pulse velocity test.

 List of Experiments
  1. Mix Design- High Strength Concrete as per IS:10262-2019 and relevant flowability and strength tests.
  2. Mix Design- Self consolidating Concrete as per IS:10262-2019 and relevant flowability and strength tests.
  3. Mix Design- Pumpable Concrete as per IS:10262-2019 and relevant flowability and strength tests.
  4. Evaluation of Heat of hydration for Cement.
  5. Tests on effects of Superplasticizers- Marsh Cone, mini-slump and flow table test .
  6. Studying the effect of temperature on compressive strength of concrete .
  7. Measurement of effects of fibers on the strength of Concrete.
  8. Rebound hammer test for concrete strength.
  9. Measurement of specific gravity, loss on ignition, sieve analysis and lime reactivity of pozzolans.
  10. Determination of chloride content in concrete, Phenolphthalein test for carbonation depth and pH of concrete.


Powerd By: Department of Computer Science and Engineering
All Right Reserved: National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand