Laboratory / Geology Lab

   Engineering Geology deals with the processing and analysis of materials with widely varying properties and their application relating to engineering practice for geologic factors affecting the location,design,construction,operation
   and maintenance of civil engineering structures.Engineering geologists investigate and provide recommendations on the character of the geology of the area for engineering analysis and design.The geology laboratory comprise
   of minerals samples of different categories,stones and models of folds/faults,earthquake etc. which are helpful to train the civil engineering students for identification of minerals and stones,their behavior and also thorough
   understanding of geological maps is fulfilled.

 List of Experiments
  1. Physical properties of minerals by observation of various collection boxes
  2. Identification of common rock forming minerals (Hand specimen).
  3. Description of physical properties of 20 minerals used in civil construction
  4. Textures of common rocks.
  5. Identification of rock type (Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic)
  6. Field identification using Brunton’s Compass
  7. Identification of common geological discontinuity: Bedding plane, Folds, Faults, Joints, Foliation Plane
  8. Measurement and plotting of geological structures.
  9. Extracting information from geological maps: Introduction to topographic sheets.


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