About Design Innovation Centre

The Ministry of Education (Shiksha Mantralaya), Government of India has approved to establish a Design Innovation Centre (DIC) at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee as a Hub and NIT Uttarakhand as one of the spokes. The centre will focus on innovations around engineering products, add value to the available Engineering designs and promote early stage startup companies. The sanctioned amount for the centre is ` 10 Crores. Several ideas will be perused for development of new pedagogy in teaching and training in design and innovations. A number of design technologies for Hilly terrain will be taken up at DIC, NIT Uttarakhand.

Objectives of DIC centre:

(i) Promote a culture of innovation and creative problem solving
(ii) Provide an opportunity for new projects to students through curricular and extra-curricular projects
(iii) Knowledge sharing and collaboration amongst Industry, Academia, Government Institutions, Research Laboratories, etc.
(iv) Commercialize innovations and take them to the end users.

DIC Model:

Powerd By: Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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