Expert Lectures In Department of Electronics Engineering

The Department of Electronics conducts guest lectures on various subjects by inviting Emeritus Professor, Professor from IITs, NITs and Industry experts. This helps in overall development of students and institute.

S.N. Faculty Name Designation From Subject
1. Dr. N.S.V. Shet Associate Professor NIT Surathkal Wireless Communication
2. Dr. K.D Kulat Professor VNIT, Nagpur Analog Electronics
2. Dr. A. G. Keshkar Professor VNIT, Nagpur Microprocessor
4. Dr. Ashwin Kothari Associate Professor VNIT, Nagpur Microwave Antenna
5. Dr. S.V Dhok Associate Professor VNIT, Nagpur Digital Signal Processing
6. Dr. R.B Deshmukh Professor VNIT Signal System , Digital
7. Dr. A.S Gandhi Professor VNIT, Nagpur Digital Communication
8. Dr. J. Sengupta Assistant Professor VNIT, Nagpur Microwave circuit
9. Dr. Vinay Kumar Assistant Professor VNIT, Nagpur Signal System
10. Dr. B.K. Kaushik Associate Professor IIT Roorkee VLSI

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