S.N. Software Package Quantity(License)
Cadence EDA Tools 05
Mentor EDA Tools 100
Xilinx Vivado / Xilinx SDSoC 25
Synopsys EDA Tools 05

S.N. Hardware Module Quantity
Basys-3 FPGA board 10
PMOD Keyboard 10
PMOD LCD(2*16) 10
ADC3008, ADC0808 02
GSM module 01
Temperature and Humidity Sensor 01
Bluetooth Module 01
Fingerprint Scanner 01
Analog Discovery Kit (ADK) 03

Work Station's:
HP - Z440 with 32GB RAM and 500GB HDD 05
News & Announcement

1. PRSG meeting to be held in the month of Nov/Dec, 2019

2. CEERI, Nodal Agency and Meity asked for UC-FY-2018-19 and to be submitted around 2nd week of September, 2019.

3. PRSG meeting-VI held at MeitY Delhi, Which attend by Dr. Pankaj Kr. Pal and Rajesh Saha. They presented the progress of the Project to RC and MeitY in the month of June/July, 2017.

4. Six Monthly FY and Technical report with Utilization Certificate (July-Dec, 2018) sent to CEERI Pilani and MeitY.

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All Right Reserved: National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand