Anshul Sharma, “Modelling and analysis of functionally graded carbon nano-tube reinforced composite material based energy harvester” Materials Today,: Proceedings, 28: 2021-2025, 2020.
Hitesh Sharma, Inderdeep Singh, and Joy Prakash Misra. Evaluation of dynamic properties of citrus limetta peel based epoxy composites. Materials Today: Proceedings Volume 27, Part 3, 2020, Pages 2273-2276 (SCOPUS)
Khundrakpam, N.S., Brar, G.S., & Devi, M.B., (2020) “Optimizing the process parameters of ECM using Taguchi method”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 26(2), 1373-1379.
Kumar, G., Sharma, A.K. On processing strategy to minimize defects while drilling borosilicate glass with microwave energy. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 108, 3517–3536 (2020). (Impact Factor = 2.6).
Lalta Prasad; Manish Upreti, Anshul Yadav, Raj Vardhan Patel, Virendra Kumar, Anil Kumar, Optimization of process parameters during WEDM of EN‑42 spring steel SN Applied Sciences, 2020; [ISSN: 2523-3971] Springer Netherland
Sudhakar T, Das AK. Evolution of Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Method: A Review. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C. 2020 Jul 20:1-9.
Tiwari P, Upadhyay SH, Advance spectral approach for condition evaluation of rolling element bearings. ISA Transaction, 2020. IF: 4.305
Arora, H., Singh, R., & Brar, G. S., (2019). Thermal and structural modelling of arc welding processes: A literature review. Measurement and Control, 52(7-8), 955-969.
Arora, H., Singh, R., & Brar, G. S., (2019). Prediction of temperature distribution and displacement of carbon steel plates by FEM. Materials Today: Proceedings, 18(7), 3380-3386.
Bhoopendra Pandey, Yogesh K. Prajapati, Pratik N. Sheth, Recent progress in thermochemical techniques to produce hydrogen gas from biomass: A state of the art review, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol 44 (2019) 25384-25415.
Chaurasia, Prabhat, Anil Kumar, Anshul Yadav, Praveen Kumar Rai, Virendra Kumar, and Lalta Prasad. "Heat transfer augmentation in automobile radiator using Al2O3–water based nanofluid." SN Applied Sciences 1, no. 3 (2019): 257.
Dungali Sreehari and Apurbba Kumar Sharma, "On thermal performance of serpentine microchannels", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019; 146: 106067. ( Impact Factor: 3.488.
Farwaha, H. S., Deepak, D., & Brar, G. S., (2019). Process parameter optimization of ultrasonic assisted electrochemical magnetic abrasive finishing of 316L stainless steel. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1240, 012041.
Hitesh Sharma, Inderdeep Singh, and Joy Prakash Misra. Mechanical and Thermal Behaviour of Food Waste (Citrus Limetta Peel) Fillers Based Novel Epoxy Composites. Polymers and Polymer Composites, Volume: 27 issue: 9, page(s): 527-535. doi:10.1177/0967391119851012.(SCI). Impact Factor: 1.023.
Kumar, G. and Sharma, A.K., Role of dielectric fluid and concentrator material in microwave drilling of borosilicate glass. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 33 (2018): 184-193 (Impact factor = 4.2)
Lalit Ranakoti, Manoj K Gupta, P K Rakesh, Analysis of mechanical and tribological behavior of wood flour filled glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite, Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 085327.
Lalta Prasad, Gaurav Singh, Anshul Yadav, Virendra Kumar, Anil Kumar, Properties of functionally gradient composites reinforced with waste natural fillers Journal Acta Periodica Tehnologica, [ISSN: 1450-7188; Scopus] 1450-7188 (2019) 50, 250-259, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Serbia, H-Index, 11
Lalta Prasad, Aruna Saini, Virendra Kumar, Mechanical Performance of Jute and Basalt Fiber Geo-grid Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composite Material, Journal of Natural Fibers, H-Index, 17, DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2019.1645789 (Accepted) [ISSN: 1544-0478; IF 1.252] Taylor & Francis, USA [UGC list no. 24766] H-Index, 17
M Pokhriyal, L Prasad, PK Rakesh, HP Raturi, Influence of fibre loading on physical and mechanical properties of Himalayan nettle fabric reinforced polyester composite, Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (9), 2018, 16973-16982.
Manoj Kumar Gupta and Pawan Kumar Rakesh, “Characterization of pine needle ash particulates reinforced surface composite fabricated by friction stir process”, Materials Research Express, 06(4), 2019, 046539.
Prabhat Chaurasia, Anil Kumar, Anshul Yadav, Praveen Kumar Rai, Virendra Kumar, Lalta Prasad, Heat transfer augmentation in automobile radiator using Al2O3 water based nanofluid, SN Applied Sciences, 2019; 1:257[ISSN: 2523-3971] Springer Netherland
Ripudaman Singh Negi, Rajendra Singh Bisht, Raj K. Singh, and Lalta Prasad, Physico-Mechanical and Antibacterial Properties of Pine Gum/Epoxy Composites with/without Silver Nanoparticles, Journal of Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, [ISSN: 1439-2054; IF=2.69] 2019, 304, 1800744(1-12) John Wiley & Sons United Kingdom, H-index, 84 ISSN: 14387492
Sanjeev Kumar, Lalta Prasad, Sandeep Kumar, Vinay Kumar Patel, Physico-mechanical and Taguchi-designed sliding wear properties of Himalayan agave fiber reinforced polyester composite, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019;8(4), 3662-3671, [ISSN: 2238-7854; IF 3.327] Elsevier, Brazil [UGC list no. ] H-Index, 26
Sandeep Gairola, Somit Gairola, Hitesh Sharma, Pawan Kumar Rakesh, Impact Behavior of Pine Needle Fiber/Pistachio Shell Filler Based Epoxy Composite, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1240 (2019) 012096, 1-7.
Singh, R., Singh, I., Kumar, R., & Brar, G. S., (2019). Waste thermosetting polymer and ceramic as reinforcement in thermoplastic matrix for sustainability: Thermomechanical investigations. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, In Press.".
Tiwari P, Upadhyay SH. Degradation assessment of ball bearings utilizing curvilinear component analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics. 2019 Sep;233(3):714-30. IF: 1.533.
Tiwari P, Upadhyay SH. Elucidation of ball bearing performance utilizing product functions of vibration signals and locality sensitive discriminant analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics. 2019 Aug 27:1464419319871816. IF: 1.533.
Yogesh K. Prajapati. "Influence of fin height on heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of rectangular microchannel heat sink." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019): 1041-1052.
Anuruddh Kumar, Anshul Sharma, Rahul Vaish, Rajeev Kumar, and Satish Chandra Jain, “A numerical study on flexoelectric bistable energy harvester”, Applied Physics A, 124:483, 2018 (SCI).
Anuruddh Kumar, Anshul Sharma, Rahul Vaish, Rajeev Kumar, and Satish Chandra Jain, “A numerical study on anomalous behavior of piezoelectric response in functionally graded materials”, Journal of Materials Science, 53, 2413-2423, 2018 (SCI).
Brar, G. S., (2018). Optimization of machining parameters in dry EDM of EN31 steel. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 330, 012071.
Dungali Sreehari and Apurbba Kumar Sharma, "On form accuracy and surface roughness in micro-ultrasonic machining of silicon microchannels", Precision Engineering, 2018; 53:300-309. ( (SCI, I.F: 2.582)
Khundrakpam, N. S., Brar, G. S., & Deepak, D. (2018). Genetic algorithm approach for optimizing surface roughness of near dry EDM. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 376, 012130.
Khundrakpam, N. S., Brar, G. S., & Deepak, D. (2018). Grey-taguchi optimization of near dry EDM process parameters on the surface roughness. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(2), 4445-4451.
Kukshal V, Patnaik A and Bhat IK. Effect of cobalt on microstructure and properties of AlCr1.5CuFeNi2Cox high-entropy alloys. Materials Research Express 2018. DOI 10.1088/2053-1591/aaba5f.
L. Prasad, R. Khantwal, Study on breaking load of single lap joint using hybrid joining techniques for alloy steel AISI 4140 and mild steel: Taguchi and Neural network approach, Journal of Mechanical Engineering - Strojnícky časopis, 68(1); 2018;51-60 [ISSN: 2450-5471] Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava( Slovak Republic).
Mishra NK, Muthukumar P, Development and Testing of Energy Efficient and Environment Friendly Porous Radiant Burner Operating on Liquefied Petroleum Gas , Applied Thermal Engineering, 129, 482-489, 2018, (SCI, I.F: 3.77).
Singh, H., & Brar, G. S. (2018). Characterization and investigation of mechanical properties of composite materials used for leaf spring. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(2), 5857-5863.
Sudhakar, T., and Arup Kumar Das. Interface evolution of a liquid Taylor droplet during passage through a sudden contraction in a rectangular channel. Chemical Engineering Science 192 (2018): 993-1010 (SCI, I.F: 3.87).
Vinod Singh Yadav, Vinoth R and Dharmesh Yadav, Bio-hydrogen production from waste materials: A Review, MATEC Web of Conferences 192, 02020 (2018).
Vinod Singh Yadav, Dilip Sharma, and S. L. Soni, Studies On Hydrogen Fuelled Stationary C. I. Engine Operated End-Utility System, International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, 2017. ISSN 1757-3971.
Vipin Pachouri and Anshul Sharma, Active Vibration Suppression of Smart Plate Structure with Fractional-Order PID Controller, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, 41-48, 2018.
Anuruddh Kumar, Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, and Rahul Vaish, “Finite Element Study on Acoustic Energy Harvesting Using Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramics”, Journal of Electronic Materials, 1-12, 2017 (SCI).
C. K. Susheel, Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, and Vishal S. Chauhan, “Geometrical nonlinear characteristics of functionally graded structure using functionally graded piezoelectric materials”, Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, DOI: 1099636217752114, 2017 (SCI).
Yogesh K. Prajapati, M. Pathak, Mohd. Kaleem Khan, Bubble Dynamics and Flow Boiling Characteristics in Three Different Microchannel Configurations. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 112 (2017) 371-382.
Yogesh K. Prajapati, M. Pathak, Mohd. Kaleem Khan. Numerical Investigation of Subcooled Flow Boiling in Segmented finned Microchannels, International communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 86 (2017) 215-221.
In 2020
Brar, G.S., Khundrakpam, N.S., and Deepak, D., Formulating Empirical Model of MRR of Near-Dry EDM (in Advances in Unconventional Machining and Composites, Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering), Springer, ISBN 978-981-32-9470-7, 2020, pp. 141-148.
Gairola, Sandeep, Somit Gairola, and Hitesh Sharma. "Environment Effect on Impact Strength of Pistachio Shell Filler-Based Epoxy Composites." Advances in Applied Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, 2020. 801-808.
Kukshal, V., Patnaik, A. and Singh, S., 2020. Augmented Technology for Safety and Maintenance in Industry 4.0. In Applications and Challenges of Maintenance and Safety Engineering in Industry 4.0 (pp. 134-141). IGI Global.
Kukshal V, Patnaik A and Bhat IK . “The Corrosion and Thermal Behavior of AlCr1.5CuNi2FeCox High Entropy Alloys”, In High Entropy Alloys, DOI: 10.1201/9780367374426-9, 2020.
In 2019
Singh, R., Singh, I., Kumar, R., and Brar, G.S., Recycling of Thermosetting Waste as Reinforcement along with Ceramic Particles in Thermoplastic Matrix for Machining Applications (in Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering), Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-803581-8, 2019.
Kumar M, Kumar G, Kukshal V. On Finite Element Analysis of Melting of Metallic Powders Using Microwave Energy at 2.45 GHz. In Advances in Computational Methods in Manufacturing 2019 (pp. 703-717). Springer, Singapore.
Kukshal, V., Sharma A, Kiragi VR, Patnaik A, Patnaik TK. Erosive Wear Behaviour of Carbon Fiber/Silicon Nitride Polymer Composite for Automotive Application. In Automotive Tribology 2019 (pp. 117-129). Springer, Singapore.
Sharma A, Bhojak V, Kukshal V, Biswas SK, Patnaik A, Patnaik TK. Mechanical and Erosion Characteristics of Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite: Effect of Filler Size. In Automotive Tribology 2019 (pp. 101-116). Springer, Singapore.
Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh et al. has published a book in the springer entitled “Processing of Green Composites. Springer, 2019.”
Hitesh Sharma et al., has written two chapters in a book published in springer entitled “Processing of Green Composites. Springer, 2019.”
In 2018
Arora, H., Singh, R., and Brar, G.S. Finite Element Simulation of Weld-Induced Residual Stress in GTA Welded Thin Cylinders (in Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering), Elsevier, ISBN - 978-0-12-803581-8, 2018
Mittal, G., Singh, R., and Brar, G.S. Investigations for Performance Analysis of Ceramic Composites for Bearing Applications (in Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering), Elsevier, ISBN - 978-0-12-803581-8, 2018.
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