In 2020
S.No. Faculty Name Workshop/STC/GIAN Details Venue Date
1. Dr. Gurinder Singh Brar Five Day Webinar on “Atma-Nirbhar Bharat: Transmutation from Privation to Exuberance” NITTTR, Chandigarh 27th to 31st July, 2020
2. Dr. Anshul Sharma Online National Webinar on “Unlocking the Lockdown Through E-Examination IET, Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya 20th April 2020
3. Online webinar series on “IT and IPR 2020” S.L.R.T. College of Engineering, Maharashtra 5th -8th May 2020
4. Dr. Anshul Sharma Online Workshop on “Additive Manufacturing S. A. Engineering College, Chennai 15th - 16th May 2020
5. Online Workshop on “Awareness on Industrial Safety during COVID 19 23rd May 2020
6. Dr. Lalta Prasad
7. Webinar on “Insights of INDUSTRY 4.0” 29th May 2020
8. Dr. Vikas Kukshal Online Training on "MATERIAL TESTING" MSME-TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (PPDC). 01st - 07th June 2020
9. Dr. Lalta Prasad Leadership talk with Ms. Ashwini Deshpande (Co-Founder & Director Elephant Design) MHRD's Innovation Cell online 6th June 2020
10. Dr. Yogesh Kumar Prajapati Faculty Awareness Programme on “Online Teaching Pedagogy in Higher Education” Department of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, NIFTEM Sonepat, Haryana 11th -14th June 2020
11. Dr. Anshul Sharma Faculty Awareness Programme on “Online Teaching Pedagogy in Higher Education” National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship & Management, Haryana 11th -14th June 2020
12. Dr. Vikas Kukshal Short Term Course on “Essential Tools in Optimization” Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab. 25th -29th June 2020
In 2019
S.No. Faculty Name Workshop/STC/GIAN Details Venue Date
1. Dr. Anshul Sharma Computer Based Product Design and Manufacturing MNIT Jaipur 8th -12th April 2019
2. Intellectual Property Rights & Technology Transfer NITUK Satellite Campus MNIT Jaipur 11th -15th May 2019
3. Dr. Lalta Prasad
4. Dr. Gurinder Singh Brar GIAN Course on “Fundamentals and Modelling of Micro/Nano Machining Processes” NIT, Calicut 24th – 29th June 2019
5. Intellectual Property Rights & Technology Transfer NITUK Satellite Campus MNIT Jaipur 11th -15th May 2019
6. STTP on “Emerging Topics in Fluid Mechanics” 14th – 18th October 2019
7. Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh Intellectual Property Rights & Technology Transfer NITUK Satellite Campus MNIT Jaipur 11th -15th May 2019
8. Dr. Dungali Sreehari
9. Mr. Hitesh Sharma
10. Dr. Gurinder Singh Brar Workshop on Additive and Advanced Manufacturing BIT, Bengaluru 29th – 30 July 2019
11. Dr. Lalta Prasad PDT (Professional Development Training) IIM, Trichy 25th – 31st August 2019
12. Dr. Vikas Kukshal Short Term Course “Advances in Materials Characterization Techniques” IIT Roorkee 07th – 11th October 2019
13. Dr. Anshul Sharma Outcome Based Accreditation: Challenges & Opportunities NIT Uttarakhand 11th -12th November 2019
14. Dr. Lalta Prasad GIAN Course on “Fatigue of Composite Materials” NIT Jalandhar 11th – 15th November 2019
15. Dr. Vikas Kukshal
16. Mr. Prashant Tiwari Seminar on “ Inflatable Structure and Materials for Space Applications” (ISMSA-2019) IIT Roorkee 07th – 08th November 2019
In 2018
S.No. Faculty Name Workshop/STC/GIAN Details Venue Date
1. Dr. Anshul Sharma Computer Based Product Design and Manufacturing IIT Roorkee 9th -13th February 2018
2. Mr. Hitesh Sharma Short Term Course on "Advances in Machining Processes" NIT Kurukshetra 26th -31st March 2018
3. Dr. Yogesh Kumar Prajapati Professional Development training (PDT) IIM Kashipur 21th -25th May 2018
4. Dr. Vikas Kukshal Short Term Course on "Excellence in marine materials: Advanced processing, characterization & application" IIT Roorkee 21st -25th May 2018
5. 10th Summer School in Tribology IIPM Gurgaon 18th -22nd June 2018
6. Dr. Vikas Kukshal Short Term Course on "Innovative Products: Conceptualisation to Commercialisation" IIT Roorkee 25th -29th June 2018
7. Mr. Hitesh Sharma
8. Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh
9. Mr. Gaurav Kumar
10. Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh GIAN Course on "Advances in Reliability Engineering" NIT Jalandhar 31st July – 04th August 2018
11. Dr. Sanat Agrawal Workshop on "Disciplinary Proceedings" Delhi 04th – 07th October 2018
12. Dr. Anshul Sharma GIAN Course on "Dynamic Response of Advanced Composites" NITK Surathkal 10th -14th December 2018
13. Dr. Apurba Mandal
14. Dr. Vikas Kukshal
In 2017
S.No. Faculty Name Workshop/STC/GIAN Details Venue Date
1. Mr. Hitesh Sharma QIP Short Term Course on "Make in India: Dreams to Reality" IIT Roorkee 03rd -14th January 2017
2. Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh Short Term Course on "Materials Tribology: Fundamental and Recent Advances" IIT BHU 23rd -29th March 2017
3. Dr. Niraj Kumar Mishra Power Plant Performance Analysis & Optimization Central Board of Irrigation & Power, Delhi 25th -26th April 2017
4. Dr. Anshul Sharma Short Term Course on "Advanced Techniques microstructural Characterization" IIT Roorkee 29th May -02nd June 2017
In 2016
S.No. Faculty Name Workshop/STC/GIAN Details Venue Date
1. Mr. T Sudhakar QIP Short Term Course on "Chemical Micro Process Engineering: Flow Modeling and Aplications" IIT Roorkee 20th – 24th June 2016

In 2020
S.No. Convener Workshop/STC/GIAN Details Venue Date
1. Dr. Vikas Kukshal Online Short Term course on “Technological Challenges & Opportunities in COVID-19 outbreak - 06th -10th July 2020
2. Dr. Vikas Kukshal & Dr. Anshul Sharma Six day Online STTP on Computational Techniques and Programming” Twinning activity - 20th – 25th July 2020
In 2019
S.No. Convener Workshop/STC/GIAN Details Venue Date
1. Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh Workshop on "Design Thinking for Innovative Products" NIT Uttarakhand 4th -8th March 2019
2. Dr. Vikas Kukshal & Mr. Deepak Kumar Workshop on “Intellectual property right and technology transfer” MNIT, Jaipur 11th – 15th May 2019
3. Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav & Dr. Anshul Sharma STC on “Research Methodology” Satellite Campus, NIT Uttarakhand, MNIT Jaipur 27th -31st May 2019
4. Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh "Understanding Product Design: A Hands-on Approach" (DIC) IITR 17th – 21st June 2019
5. Dr. Lalta Prasad Curriculum Development Workshop MNIT, Jaipur 10th - 11th June 2019
6. Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav (STTP) on “Material Characterization & Analytical Technical for Research Application” (TEQIP-III) SLIET, Longowal 01st – 05th July 2019
7. Dr. Yogesh Kumar Prajapati Six days Workshop on “Productivity Enhancement Program” Parent Campus NIT Uttarakhand 22th -27th July 2019
8. Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav & Dr. Niraj Kumar Mishra STC on “Application of Statistics in Experimental Techniques” Satellite Campus, NIT Uttarakhand, MNIT Jaipur 29th July -2nd August 2019
9. Dr. Niraj Kumar Mishra & Dr. Lalta Prasad STTP on “Emerging Topics in Fluid Mechanics” (TEQIP-III) MNIT, Jaipur 14th – 18th October 2019
10. Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh AICET Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy program on 3D Printing & Design (DIC) NIT Uttarakhand, Srinagar Garhwal 16th – 20th October 2019
In 2018
S.No. Convener Workshop/STC/GIAN Details Venue Date
1. Dr. Sanat Agrawal &
Dr. Yogesh Kumar Prajapati
Workshop on "Energy Audit and Energy Efficiency" NIT Uttarakhand 12th October 2018

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