Conference/Workshop/FDP/STC Organized Under TEQIP
S.No. Programme Title Duration Programme Coordinators Venue
1. One Day Workshop "Energy audit and energy efficiency" December 10, 2018 Dr. Yogesh Kumar Prajapati, ME

Dr. Sanat Agarwal, ME
Parent Campus NIT Uttarakhand
2. Third ISEES International Conference Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges December 18-21, 2018 Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh, Asst. Prof, ME

Dr. Aditya Kumar Anupum, Asst. Prof, Civil Engg.

Dr. Rakesh K. Mishra, Asst. Prof., S&H
IIT Roorkee
3. Ideation workshop to be organized by Innovation and Enttrepreneruship Development Cell (IEDC), NIT Uttarakhand March 09, 2019 Dr. Hariharan Muthusamy, Dean R&C

Mr. Deepak Kumar, Trainee Teacher
Satelite Campus, MNIT Jaipur
4. Short Term Training Program on Artificial Intelligence and sustainable Applicaton in collaboration with SLIET, Longowal under Twining Program March 18-22, 2019 Dr. Nitin Kumar, Assistant Professor, CSE

Dr. Surita Maini (From SLIET)

Mr. Surendra Singh, Coordinator, STTP
Parent Campus NIT Uttarakhand
5. Jointly Organize STC on "Application of Statistics in Experimental Techniques"  July 29th to 2nd August 2019 Dr. Niraj Kumar Mishra, ME

Dr. Yogesh Kumar Prajapati, ME

Dr. M L Meena, ME

Dr. Sushant Upadhyaya, ME
NITUK-Satellite campus, MNIT Jaipur.
6. Productivity Enhancement Programe July 22-27, 2019 Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav, Coordinator TEQIP

Dr. Yogesh Kumar Prajapati, Organize Member

Dr. T.Shudhakar, Organize Member
Parent Campus NIT Uttarakhand

Faculty Participation in various activities (Conference/Workshop/FDP/STC) Under TEQIP-III
S.No. Programme Title Duration Faculty Name Venue
1. TEQIP regional workshop April 15-19, 2018 Dr. Nitin Kumar, Assistant Professor, CSE Guwahati
2. Five Days Professional Development Training Programe (PDT) May 21-25, 2018 Dr. Yogesh Kumar Prajapati, Nodal Officer Acad. IIM Kashipur
3. Summer Training Program on Active Learning under TEQIP-III June 18-22, 2018 Dr. Nitin Kumar, Coordinator

Dr. Anupam Yadav, Associate Dean (Acad)

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Pal, HoD, ECE

Ms. Ghanapriya Singh, Assistant Prof. ECE
4. Training on MIS June 24-26, 2018 Dr. Nitin Kumar, Coordinator VJTI Mumbai
5. SLIET Longowal Training Programme under Twining activities 29 July to 04 August, 2018 Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav, Coordinator, TEQIP Punjab
6. SLIET Longowal for Summer Term Training Program (STTP) on Mathematical Modelling and Statistical Techniques Dr. Nitin Sharma, Asst. Prof, S&H

Dr. Anupam Yadav, Asst. Prof, S&H
7. Training programme on implementation of EAT Module for Top Class scholarship Scheme September 04-06, 2018 Dr. Saumendra Sarangi, Assistant Prof., EE New Delhi
8. 4th World Summit on Accreditaion (WOSA-2018) September 07-09, 2018 Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav, Coordinator TEQIP-III Dr. Ambedkar International Centre, Delhi
9. One day Industrial visit to council of scientific & Industrial Research September 28, 2018 Dr. Vikas Kukshal, Assistant Professor, ME +13 students IIP, Dehradun
10. One day Industrial visit to Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun Dr. Maroti Deshmukh, Assistant Professor, CSE,

Ms. Sneha Chauhan, Trainee Teacher, CSE +58 Students
IIRS, Dehradun
11. 2nd IEEE International conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICS) October 22-24, 2018 Dr. Tajinder Singh Arora, Assistant Prof., EE DTU, Delhi
12. Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT 2018) October 26-28, 2018 Mr. Praveen Kumar, Assistant Prof., CSE

Mr. Krisan Kumar, Assistant Prof., CSE

Mr. Maheep Singh, Assistant Prof., CSE
IIITPDPM, Jabalpur
13. One Day Conference onInnovations in Cyberspace October 28-30, 2018 Mr.Vikas Kukshal, Assistant Prof., ME Delhi
14. Technology Summit of DST-CII India-Italy. October 28-31, 2018 Dr. Lalta Prasad, Associate Prof., ME

Dr. Vinod Yadav, Assistant Prof, ME
New Delhi
15. Two Days Professional Development Training Programe (PDT) November 17-21, 2018 Dr. Sanat Agarwal, HoD, ME IIM Udaipur
16. Attending the One day Sensitization Workshop on Equity Action Plan. November 18-20, 2018 Dr. Gurinder Singh Brar, EAP Coordinator, TEQIP-III Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh
17. Fourth IEEE International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN 2018) November 22-23, 2018 Dr.Ghanapriya Singh, Assistant Prof., ECE RCCIIT Kolkata
18. First International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing (VCAS 2018) 29th Nov.-1st Dec., 2018 Dr.Sarika Pal, Assistant Prof., ECE MNNIT, Allahabad.
19. 7th International and 45th National Fluid Mechanics and Fluid power Conference (FMFP-2018) December 10-12, 2018 Mr. T Sudhakar, Assistant Prof., ME

Mr. Deepak kumar,Trainee Teacher, ME
IIT Bombay
20. 2nd Internation Conference on Polymer Composites -2018 December 15-16, 2018 Mr. Vikas Kukshal, Assistant Prof. ME NIT Surathkal
21. Persent a research paper in the IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagataion (InCAP) 2018 December 16-19, 2018 Mr. Tushar Goel, Assistant. Prof., ECE Hyderabad
22. Presentation in 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (3rd SEEC) December 18-21, 2018 Dr. Ram Dayal, Assistant Prof, ME

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Assistant. Prof., ME

Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh, Assistant Prof., ME
IIT Roorkee
23. One day sensitization workshop on Environment safeguards January 11, 2019 Dr. Laiju A.R, Asst. Prof,(Environmental Coordinator) Shri govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and science, Indore.
24. Short Term Course on New Technology Applications in Road Pavements, January 12-16, 2019 Dr. Aditya Kumar Anupam, Assistant Prof., Civil Engg. NIT Raurkela
25. National Conference on Computational Modeling of Fluid Dynamics Problems" January 18-20, 2019 Dr. Nitin Sharma, Asst. Prof, S&H NIT Warangal, Telangana
26. Short Course on "Modeling and Simulation of Nano-Transistors" January 21-25, 2019 Dr. Pankaj Kumar Pal, Assistant Professor, ECE

Mr. Vivek Kumar, Trainee Teacher, ECE
IIT Kanpur
27. Procurement Management Software System (PMSS) Training Febuary 07-08, 2019 Dr. Kuldeep Sharma, Nodal Officer Procurement SPIU Dehradun
28. Conference on Sustainable Instructure Development and Management Febuary 22-23, 2019 Dr. Kranti Jain, Assistant Prof, Civil VNIT Nagpur
29. Mid Term review meeting of TEQIP-III project January 28-31, 2019 1. Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav, Coordinator, TEQIP-III

2. Dr. Yogesh Kumar Prajapati, Nodal officer Academic, TEQIP-III
30. Mid Term review meeeting in the chairmanship of World Bank Committee members Febuary 14-17, 2019 Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav, Coordinator TEQIP-III SPIU Dehradun
31. 1st training on newly developed PMSS Software 26th Feb, to 01st Mar., 2019 1- Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav, Coordinator, TEQIP-III

2- Dr. Kuldeep Sharma, Nodal Officer Procurement, TEQIP-III
32. Meeting on Twinning activities under the chairmanship of SPA in the presence of Mentor Institution March 03-06, 2019 Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav, Coordinator TEQIP-III WIT Dehradun
33. Approval for attending the conference March 06-10, 2019 Mr. Dungali Sreehari Assistant Prof, ME IIT Guwahati
34. 2nd Internation Conference on Computational Methods in Manufacturing (ICCMM) 2019 March 8-9, 2019 Mr. Gaurav Kumar, Trainee Teacher, ME
35. Present research paper in 9th International conference on Materials processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2019) March 8-10, 2019 Dr. Gurinder Singh Brar, Associate Prof.ME Hyderabad
36. Faculty Development Program on "Mixed Signal CMOS Ics Methodology of Circuit to Chip Design" March 06-10, 2019 Dr. Pankaj Kumar Pal, Assistant Professor, ECE

Mr. Vivek Kumar, Trainee Teacher
MNIT Jaipur
37. Two days National Conference on "Equity: Achievements and Challenges in India" March 14-17, 2019 Dr. Gurinder Singh Brar, Associate Prof.ME College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra
38. Short Term Training Programme (Advanced Structural Analysis and Finite Element Method) April 08-12, 2019 Dr. Anshul Sharma, Assistant Professor, ME

Dr. Smita Kaloni, Assistant Professor, Civil

Mr.Shashi Narayan, Assistant Professor, Civil
MNIT Jaipur
39. Short Course/FDP on "VLSI Testing" April 26-28, 2019 Ms. Sarita Yadav, Trainee Teacher, ECE IIT Roorkee
40. Meeting of SPOC for ERP Implementation May 25, 2019 Dr. Maroti Deshmukh, Assistant Professor, CSE New Delhi
41. Course on "Digital Signal Processing- using MATLAB" June 03-07, 2019 Dr. Tajinder Singh Arora, Assistant Professor, ECE Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi.
42. International Conference "Effect of surface treatment on impact strength of pine needle fiber reinforced composites" June 07-11, 2019 Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh, Assistant Professor, ME Dr. B.R. Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar
43. One week National Workshop on NBA and NAAC Accreditation June 16-23, 2019 Dr. Vinod sing Yadav, Coordinator TEQIP-III Institution of Engineers, Gangtok
44. Short Term Course on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning using Python June 17-28, 2019 Dr. Nitin Kumar, Assistant Professor, CSE Netaji Subhash University of Technology Dwarka Sector-3, New Delhi
45. GIAN Course on "Fundamentals and Modelling of Micro/Nano Machining Processes" June 24-29, 2019 Dr. Gurinder Singh Brar, Associate Professor, ME NIT Calicut
46. International Conference "Evaluation of dynamic properties of citrus limetta peel based epoxy composites" July 05-07, 2019 Mr. Hitesh Sharma, Assistant Professor, ME NIT Trichcy
47. Professional Development Training (PDT) July 14-20, 2019 Dr. Dharmendra Tripathi, Dean R&C

Dr. Hariharan Muthusamy, Dean (FW)
IIM, Visakhapatnam
Staff Participation in various activities (Conference/Workshop/FDP/STC) Under TEQIP-III
S.No. Programme Title Duration Staff Name Venue
1. Training Programme August 02-05, 2018 Mr. Anoop Sharma, Superintendent (Accounts) NPIU, New Delhi
2. Training programme on implementation of EAT module for Top Class scholarship Scheme. September 04-06, 2018 Mr. Jagdeep Singh, Assistant Registrar (Admin) New Delhi
3. TEQIP-III Sponsored two days workshop on Financial Management System January 03-04, 2019 Mr. Jagdeep Singh, Nodal Officer (Finance)

Mr. Ravinder Singh, Executive Finance
UTU, Dehradun
4. Procurement Management Software System (PMSS) Training Febuary 07-08, 2019 Mr. Pradeep Singh, Office Assistant, TEQIP-III SPIU Dehradun
5. Regarding Training workshop on Web based academic MIS March 17-19 , 2019 Mr. Sanjay Bhatt, MIS Executive, TEQIP-III MNIT Allahabad
6. Attending the 1st training on newly developed PMSS Software from 26th Feb, to 01st Mar., 2019 Mr. Pradeep Singh, Office Assistant, TEQIP-III Chandigarh

Qualification Upgradation of Staff Under TEQIP-III
S.No. Programme Title Programme Name Duration Staff Name Venue
1. Qualification Up gradation ME (Instrumentation and control) Pursuing Since 2018 1. Mr. Alok Kumar Patel, Technical Assistant

2. Mr. Kawal Preet Singh, Technical Assistant (EE)
NITTTR Chandigarh

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