Full Time PhD Scholar enrolled Under TEQIP-III (w.e.f 01 March, 2019)
S.No. Name of the Student Student ID No. Department Supervisor Details Co-Supervisor Details
1. Himani sharma 1020199044 Chemistry Dr. K.K. Tiwari Dr. Rampal Pandey
2. Aradhana 1020199013 Mathematics Dr. Kusum Sharma -
3. Ekta Gairola 1020199049 Electrical Engineering Dr. Saumendra Sarangi Dr. Prakash Dwivedi
4. Shuvam Sahay 1020199025 Electrical Engineering Dr. Prakash Dwivedi Dr. Sourave Bose
5. Rakesh Thapliyal 1020199037 Electrical Engineering Dr. Sourave Bose Dr. Prakash Dwivedi
6. Arun Singh Bhadwal 1020199018 Computer Science & Engineering Prof. R.B Patel Dr. Kamal Kumar
7. Aayush Joshi 1020199008 Civil Engineering Dr. Kranti Jain -
8. Vivek Bahuguna 1020199053 Mechanical Engineering Dr. Pawan Kumar Rakesh Dr. Apurba Mandal
9. Nishant Kumar 1020199051 Mechanical Engineering Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav -
10. Amit Kumar 1020199052 Mechanical Engineering Dr. Lalta Prasad -

Student Beneficiary Under TEQIP-III
S.No. Name of the Student Purpose Department Date
1. Mr. Mohit Kumar Approval for financial assistantship to Mr. Mohit Kumar, M.Tech Student for project work Mechanical Engineering July, 2018
2. 1- Mr. Satyam Kumar
2- Mr. Shivam Singla
Regarding permission under TEQIP-III to claim TA and DA of visit to IIT Bombay for Mentors Meet- Eureka 2018 Computer Science & Engineering 31 Nov to 2 Dec, 2018
3. Mr. Prabhakar Zainith Approval for attending the International conference (COMPFLU-2018) at IIT Roorkee. Mechanical Engineering December 06-09, 2018
4. Mr. Prabhakar Zainith Approval for attending the International conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power-2018 IIT, Bombay, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering December 10-12, 2018
5. Mr. Bhoopendra Pandy Approval for attending the International conference (3rd SEEC-2018) at IIT Roorkee. Mechanical Engineering December 18-21, 2018
6. Mr. Rohit Kumar Conference Paper on "Mathematical Modeling in Polymeric Liquid Memberanes. Science and Humanites December 19-22, 2018
7. 1. Mr. Abhay Mishra,
2. Mr. Akshay Solanki,
3. Mr. Rishab Bamrara
Approval for permission to present research papers in the conference(s) (Springer third International conference on Soft Computing: Theories and applications, SoCTA-2018 Dec, 21-23, 2018) Computer Science & Engineering December 21-23, 2018
8. Mr.Aditya Vijayvergia, Student Persent research papers in the conference (s) Computer Science & Engineering December 26-28, 2018
9. 1- Mr. Pradip Yadav,
2- Ms. Shivani Chauhan
Regarding approval for attending International Conference at IIT Madras, Chennai Mechanical Engineering January 10-13, 2019
10. Mr. Rohit Kumar Poster Presentation in 14th Biennial DAE BRNS Symposium Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR-2019) from Mumbai Science and Humanites January 15-19, 2019
11. 1- A.K. Nikita,
2- Priyesh Kumar,
3- Komal Mishra,
4- Pranoti Gogulwar
Attending the Short Course on "Modeling and Simulation of Nano-Transistors" IIT Kanpur Electronics & Communication Engineering January 21-25, 2019
12. 1- Mr. Santosh Kumar Yadav,
2- Mr. Mohit Kumar,
3- Mr.Sandeep Gairola
Approval for Presenting paper at International conference along with the financial assistantship organized by NIT Kurukshetra, Mechanical Engineering Febuary 18-22, 2019
13. Ms. Ananta Kant Rai 2nd International conference on Innovations in Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication (IESC 2019) NIT Meghalaya Electronics & Communication Engineering March 01-02, 2019
14. Mr. Himanshu Paper Tilted Mix Design of self Compacting concrete using lime (UCC-2019-146) in NIT Jalandhar Civil Engineering March 05-08, 2019
15. Mr. Mohit Kumar 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Manufacturing (ICCMM 2019) organized by IIT Guwahati Mechanical Engineering March 08-09, 2019
16. Mr. Prem Babu Present a research paper in international conference on Optical and wireless technologies 2019 at MNIT Jaipur Electronics & Communication Engineering March 16-17, 2019
17. Mr. Nabin Bhuyan (MT Student, Civil Engg.) Sample Testing Microstructure analysis equipment reimbursement of expenditure of amount 4000 Civil Engineering January, 2019
18. Mr. Kaushal Devrari Oral presentation at Students Research Convention "Deep Learning Based Helmet Detection" IIT Kanpur March 30-31, 2019
19. Mr. Sandeep Gairola,
Ms. Anju Verma,
Mr. Gaurav Verma and
Mr. Prabhakar Zainith
Presenting paper at international conference along with the financial assistantship NIT Warangal, Telangana May 02-04, 2019
20. Mr. Rajesh Shah
Mr. Arvind Bisht
Program on "emerging Nanoscale Devices: Compact Modeling and Reliability" IIT Roorkee May 04, 2019
21. Mr. Satyaveer Singh
Mr. Rakesh Thapliyal
Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights & Technology Transfer Satellite Campus of NIT Uttarakhand May 11-15, 2019
22. Mr. Ayush Joshi
Ms. Bichitra Singh
Mr. Pramod Tiwari
Regarding laboratory visit of PhD students. IIT-Roorkee May 21-24, 2019
23. Ekta Priyadarshini
Sunil Kumar Maurya
Abhishek Kumar
Isha Chandra
Nishu Giri
M.Tech Students visit at SLIET, Longowal under Twinning Program SLIET Longowal May 21-25, 2019
24. Mr. Sachin Tiwari
Ms. Deepshikha Singh
Ms. Ruchi Juyal
Ms. Himani Sharma
Mr. Shuvam Sahay
Ms Aradhana Bhatt
Ms. Vaishali Singh Mr. Vidit Kumar Vats
Mr. Hardepinder Singh
Short Term Course on Research Methodology MNIT, Jaipur May 27-31, 2019
25. Mrs. Shipra Tiwari, Mr. Zeeshan Rayeen, Ms. Kirti Gupta Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2019) MNIT Allahabad May 29-31, 2019
26. Mr. Rohit Kumar Short Term Training Program on "Advances in Separation Processes and Purification Techniques" (ASPPT-2019) Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering Technology, Longowal, Punjab June 03-07, 2019
27. Mr. Rakesh Thapliyal Short Term Course on "Next Generation Power Converters: Design, PWM Strategy and control" IIT Delhi. July 01-05, 2019

Highest GATE 2019 Rankers in NIT Uttarakhand
S.No. Name of the Student Department Student Institute ID Gate Rank
1. Radha Mohan Dwivedi Computer Science & Engg. BT15CSE053 253
2. Parth Kharti Mechanical Engg. BT15MEC029 268
3. Priyanshu Basu Computer Science & Engg. BT15CSE045 738
4. Deepak Kumar Vishwakarma Computer Science & Engg. BT15CSE059 788
5. Shubham Kashyap Mechanical Engg. BT15MEC006 1171

Powerd By: Department of Computer Science and Engineering
All Right Reserved: National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand