2. Budget and Programme

S.No. Item Details of disclosure Remarks/ Reference Points (Fully met/partially met/ not met- Not applicable
will be treated as fully met/partially met)
Website Link
2.1 Budget allocated to each agency including all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made etc. [Section 4(1)(b)(xi)] (i) Total Budget for the public authority Fully Met Click Here
(ii) Budget for each agency and plan & programmes Fully Met Click Here
(iii) Proposed expenditures Not Applicable -
(iv) Revised budget for each agency, if any Fully Met Click Here
(v) Report on disbursements made and place where the related reports are available Fully met Click Here
2.2 Foreign and domestic tours (F.No. 1/8/2012- IR dt. 11.9.2012) (i) Budget Fully met Click Here
(ii) Foreign and domestic Tours by ministries and officials of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government and above, as well as the heads of the Department.
a) Places visited
b) The period of visit
c) The number of members in the official delegation
d) Expenditure on the visit
Not Applicable -
(iii) Information related to procurements
a) Notice/tender enquires, and corrigenda if any thereon,
b) Details of the bids awarded comprising the names of the suppliers of goods/ services being procured,
c) The works contracts concluded - in any such combination of the above-and
d) The rate /rates and the total amount at which such procurement or works contract is to be executed.
Partially met Click Here
2.3 Manner of execution of subsidy programme [Section 4(i)(b)(xii)] (i) Name of the programme of activity Not Applicable -
(ii) Objective of the programme Not Applicable
(iii) Procedure to avail benefits Not Applicable
(iv) Duration of the programme/ scheme Not Applicable
(v) Physical and financial targets of the programme Not Applicable
(vi) Nature/ scale of subsidy /amount allotted Not Applicable
(vii) Eligibility criteria for grant of subsidy Not Applicable
(viii) Details of beneficiaries of subsidy programme (number, profile etc) Not Applicable
2.4 Discretionary and non-discretionary grants [F. No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013] (i) Discretionary and non-discretionary grants/ allocations to State Govt./ NGOs/other institutions Fully Met Click Here
(ii) Annual accounts of all legal entities who are provided grants by public authorities Fully Met Click Here
2.5 Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the public authority [Section 4(1) (b) (xiii)] (i) Concessions, permits or authorizations granted by public authority Partially met Click Here
(ii) For each concessions, permit or authorization granted
a) Eligibility criteria
b) Procedure for getting the concession/ grant and/ or permits of authorizations
c) Name and address of the recipients given concessions/permits or authorisations
d) Date of award of concessions /permits of authorizations
Partially met
2.6 CAG & PAC paras [F No. 1/6/2011- IR dt. 15.4.2013] CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports (ATRs) after these have been laid on the table of both houses of the parliament. Fully met Click Here
