Anti-Ragging Initiative

Anti-Ragging Committee:

The committee has been formed by the Institute to ensure that no incidence of ragging takes place in the Institute. The committee shall ensure that the UGC Regulations 2009 are properly followed at all times. The committee shall also maintain and look after whether the Anti-ragging squads carry out their functions properly. The committee consists of the following members:

  1. Dean (SW)
  2. Chief Warden & Proctor
  3. Associate Dean (Creative Art, Cultural & Alumni Affairs)
  4. Associate Dean (Sports)
  5. All HODs
  6. Associate Dean( Academic, UG)- Director’s Nominee
  7. Warden (First Year, Boys)
  8. Warden (First Year, Girls)
  9. AR(Hostel)
  10. Vice President (CSA)
  11. Representative (Girls, CSA)
  12. Representative (Boy), First Year
  13. Representative (Girl), First Year