Celebration of International Day of Yoga (June 18th to 21st , 2018)

To celebrate the 4th International Day of Yoga, Institute has organized various activities during 18th to 21st June, 2018 in the Auditorium, NITUK such as Yoga Camp for four days (18th to 21st), Video presentation on various forms of Yoga, Painting, Poster making, Logo designing, Essay writing and Best Yoga Trainee Competitions. Also, to aware the general public about the Yoga, a Run for Yoga Awareness is conducted from Polytechnic Campus to ITI Campus and then returned back to Polytechnic Campus. Around about 45 members of the Institute participated in this awareness Run. To provide more publicity among general public, T-shirts with attaractive slogan on Yoga were distributed to the participants of the program. Total 65 Nos. of students, faculty and staff have attended this four days program. Overall, the events under this program proved to be a holistic training program that impacted the participants at different physical and mental levels.


May 02, 2018; 50 days to International Day of Yoga

May 02, 2018 was celebrated as 50 days to International Day of Yoga in the Institute. Separate Yoga demonstration sessions were organized for students, faculty & staff on this day. Our Institute Yoga expert Mr. Pradeep Kumar took two sessions of Yoga one for student and one for faculty & staff, and highlighted the importance of Yoga in our day to day life. All the members performed the yoga' assans as per the demonstration.